Come on, Boris - reschedule Christmas now!

For what it’s worth and in case you’re brooding about your family’s Christmas plans, this is just to let you know that in the Brandreth household we have decided to change the date of Christmas 2020.   

There is a pandemic on.  This really isn’t the time for taking unnecessary risks with extended family gatherings, is it?  We have three children and seven grandchildren, so even if we go as far as the current ‘rules’ allow we can’t all meet at Christmas. 

That’s why we’ve decided to embrace change and do things differently this year.  25 December is just an arbitrary date, after all.  No one knows for sure when Jesus was born.  We only have Christmas on 25 December because it roughly coincides with the winter solstice.  There are historical and biblical grounds for alternative dates – one being 25 March.  It’s the Feast of the Annunciation, but some authorities say the date marks Christ’s birth not his conception.  The truth is, if you’re a Christian you can celebrate the birth of Christ in your heart and in your prayers on whatever day you choose.

 Many people aren’t Christians.  Millions of people belong to other faiths – and to none.  One of the reasons we currently celebrate Christmas on 25 December is that it’s also the date when the ancient Romans celebrated the dies natalis solis invicti – the birthday of the unconquered sun.

 So here’s my idea: why not go for a sunnier, safer, happier, fuller, no-holds-barred family Christmas for everyone, of every faith and none, and have it six months down the line, when we’ve got through the danger zones of January and February, when spring has sprung, summer is a’cummin in, the hospitals aren’t so crowded, and the vaccines have had proper time to work their magic?

In the UK, Christmas Day became a Bank Holiday in 1834.  Boxing Day was added in 1871.  Let’s reschedule Christmas and add TWO new Bank Holidays to our calendar in 2021!  (The government has already spent so many billions on all this a couple of extra days of holiday won’t hurt anyone.)

 And my suggested date for our new Christmas – our dies natalis covid victa: ‘birthdate of the conquering of covid’ – Midsummer’s Day, Thursday 24 June 2021 (it’s already a holiday in some countries), followed by a second holiday on Friday 25 June – giving us all a welcome four-day festive break to mark the end of this nightmare and the true beginning of the new normal.

 I’ve a feeling Christmas was always meant to happen on Midsummer’s Day.  Come on, Boris, give us a proper Christmas present and announce it now: a two-day holiday on 24 and 25 June! 



 If we shadows have offended,

 Think but this, and all is mended—

 That you have but slumbered here

 While these visions did appear.

 And this weak and idle theme,

 No more yielding but a dream,

 Gentles, do not reprehend.

 If you pardon, we will mend.

 And, as I am an honest Puck,

 If we have unearnèd luck

 Now to ’scape the serpent’s tongue,

 We will make amends ere long.

 Else the Puck a liar call.

 So good night unto you all.

 Give me your hands if we be friends,

 And Robin shall restore amends.

 -       Robin Goodfellow (aka Puck) at the end of A Midsummer Night’s Dream

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